Terms of use of your data at SOCIALFUNK

  1. Consent: The customer must expressly consent to the use of their data to contact them. This consent can be revoked at any time.
  2. Purpose limitation: Customer data may only be used to contact the customer for the agreed purpose.
  3. Data security: Customer data must be stored securely and protected against unauthorized access.
  4. Confidentiality: Customer data may not be passed on to third parties unless the customer has expressly consented or there is a legal obligation to pass it on.
  5. Transparency: Customers must be informed about the use of their data. This also includes information on how to make contact.
  6. Rights of the customer: The customer has the right to obtain information about the use of their data and to have it corrected or deleted.
  7. Contract data processing: If the customer data is processed by a service provider, a contract data processing agreement must be concluded.
  8. Legal regulations: The use of customer data must comply with the applicable legal regulations, in particular data protection law.
  9. Responsibility: The person responsible for the use of customer data must be named and contactable.
  10. Amendments: The customer must be notified in good time of any changes to these terms of use. The customer has the right to object to these changes.